
Human Resources

Shedding light on workplace theft

Some workplace thieves join companies specifically because they believe they are a 'soft touch', according to research from criminologist Professor Martin Gill at the University of Leicester. The study follows research from YouGov indicating that a majority of people admit to stealing from their employers.

Human Resources

Human Resources

A growth story: activ8 intelligence

An executive hire often relies on the raw talent of the recruitment agent or HR specialist to get the right result. One management team that believes it has the answers to the HR enigma is the board of activ8 intelligence, a recruitment technology business that has developed a hi-tech approach to finding staff.

Human Resources

Relieving the HR burden

With a barrage of recent changes to employee legislation, from maternity rights to age discrimination, employers could be forgiven for feeling a bit swamped by HR issues.

Human Resources

Employees fall out of love with work

Forget the problem of office romances this Valentine’s Day. Today’s employers should be more concerned with keeping stressed employees ‘in love’ with their job, claims new research.

Human Resources

Psychometric testing for staff recruitment

If you thought it was just amateur psycho-babble, think again. Meet the business folk that swear by this analytical approach to staff recruitment.

Human Resources

Recruiting an HR manager

Far from being an unnecessary extra salary burden, a human resources manager can take staff matters off your hands and even bring in more revenue...

Human Resources

Tough at the top for women

Women are still woefully under-represented in boardrooms, the civil service, the judiciary and parliament. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has found that women still make up only ten per cent of directors of FTSE 100 companies and, in some cases, the number of women in leading positions has actually fallen.

Human Resources

Changing goalposts

Companies must be more aware of their employment issues to avoid costly claims from disgruntled employees.

Human Resources

Tough at the top for women

Women are still woefully under-represented in boardrooms, the civil service, the judiciary and parliament. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has found that women still make up only ten per cent of directors of FTSE 100 companies and, in some cases, the number of women in leading positions has actually fallen.

Human Resources

Changing goalposts

Companies must be more aware of their employment issues to avoid costly claims from disgruntled employees.

Human Resources

Share options remain in vogue for AIM

AIM companies coming to market are choosing to reward senior executives with Share Option Plans at IPO in preference of Long-Term Incentive Plans, according to a survey by New Bridge Street Consultants, an executive remuneration specialist.

Human Resources

Sex, love and dress codes

More than half of British bosses think it is not an abuse of power to have a relationship with a more junior colleague, while almost a quarter of businesswomen have been groped by a senior colleague or a client, according to a new survey from the Aziz Corporation.

Human Resources

Play has a positive impact on creativity at work

Next time you spend a little more than your lunch hour larking around with your colleagues, don't feel too guilty. Professor Babis Mainemelis of London Business School has identified two fundamental ways in which play has a positive impact on creativity at work.

Human Resources

Employing older staff

With average life expectancies increasing, birth rates falling and the pension system under more and more strain, most of us have accepted that we will be working further into our old age than previous generations.