
Human Resources

Stepping into the breach

Once the preserve of male managers craving a challenge before retirement, interim management is now attracting more women as a chosen career path.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Team building with a difference

Few business leaders will have considered circus training for their staff, or installed a “think-u-bator”, in which employees can ponder and have moments of greatness. Yet there are companies out there that are doing exactly these things.

Human Resources

Managing staff time

The dividing line between work and personal time is becoming increasingly blurred. A flexible, self-regulating approach to time management will benefit both employee and employer, argues Simon Norris of software supplier Temperus.

Human Resources

How to minimise employee fraud

Forget criminal gangs and shadowy hackers, the prosaic truth is that most frauds are committed by an all-too-familiar face. Nick Britton finds out how you can minimise the risk of insider employee fraud damaging your company.

Human Resources

Outsourced staff training

Keeping your employees up to speed with the latest training programmes can take up a lot of time you don't really have. Outsourcing may be the answer

Human Resources

Fit for work

Obesity is a killer, according to the latest furore in the press. So how can you bring health and happiness to your employees?

Human Resources

How to avoid unfair dismissal claims

Most businesses have at least one employee who doesn't do his job but is never shown the door. Directors frequently bemoan the fact that it is almost impossible to get rid of unproductive staff without paying through the nose, writes Caroline Doran, head of the employment group at solicitor Rooks Rider.

Human Resources

Work experience that works

Forget pimply youths doing the filing: the right work experience programme can give your business a real boost

Human Resources

How to avoid unfair dismissal claims

Most businesses have at least one employee who doesn't do his job but is never shown the door. Directors frequently bemoan the fact that it is almost impossible to get rid of unproductive staff without paying through the nose, writes Caroline Doran, head of the employment group at solicitor Rooks Rider.

Human Resources

Work experience that works

Forget pimply youths doing the filing: the right work experience programme can give your business a real boost

Human Resources

Interviewers turn off job candidates

The majority (56 per cent) of UK jobseekers who left an interview with a bad impression of the hiring company blame the interviewer, according to research from T-Mobile.

Human Resources

Smile, you’re at work

A cynical workforce can devastate your business as surely as any economic downturn.

Human Resources

Fewer executives on FTSE boards, but pay rises fast

The number of executive directors in FTSE 350 companies has declined for the fifth year running, according to research from advisory firm Deloitte.

Human Resources

Demand for interim managers ‘outstripping supply’

Interim managers have not been in such great demand since the height of the dotcom boom six years ago, according to a survey of 8,000 executives on the books of recruiter Russam GMS. The number of interims on assignments has risen by 5.1 per cent on the previous year, the research suggests.