
Human Resources

Productivity: Britain's achilles heel or untapped potential?

Over the past couple of years, Britain has made huge advances in many different areas of the economy but worker productivity is still lagging behind. 

Human Resources

Human Resources

Imagining the workplace of the future

What will the spaces in which we work look like next year and beyond?

Human Resources

Christmas parties: Are they still relevant for SMEs?

The Christmas party is a tradition as old as the hills: But how can you make sure you get value for money if you still decide to hold it?

Human Resources

SME business growth under threat as UK skills gap widens

Amid the good news for business the skills gap is quietly reaching critical levels: find out why that's terrible news for growing businesses.

Human Resources

Five ways to avoid Christmas payroll pitfalls 

Christmas brings a very unique set of challenges when it comes to payroll: so how can they be identified and met?

Human Resources

How the break room can help you to solve the productivity puzzle

It may seem counterintuitive, but a business's break room could be its biggest ally when trying to increase productivity

Human Resources

The Modern Slavery Act: what is required of employers?

The Modern Slavery Act is a piece of legislation that has wider implications for employers than most realise: here is everything you need to know.

Human Resources

How can you keep your staff onboard during periods of change?

Change is necessary for all companies to grow: but how can you address understandable anxiety among staff when it happens?

Human Resources

The Modern Slavery Act: what is required of employers?

The Modern Slavery Act is a piece of legislation that has wider implications for employers than most realise: here is everything you need to know.

Human Resources

How can you keep your staff onboard during periods of change?

Change is necessary for all companies to grow: but how can you address understandable anxiety among staff when it happens?

Human Resources

How new financial incentives make apprenticeship investment even more appealing

As the BBC prepares to welcome back another series of The Apprentice, taking on a young hopeful for your own business could be the smartest money you ever spend.

Human Resources

From culture to strong leadership: how to build the perfect team

Going from running a start-up as a sole entrepreneur to building a successful team can be a tricky business: so here are some tips to ensure a smooth transition

Human Resources

Seasonal sales pressure: Prepping staff for peak-time success

Regional high-sales periods can be very tricky to negotiate: so read on for advice on how to minimise the impact of short-term staffing pressures.

Human Resources

Does it make financial sense to hire an IT contractor?

Finding the right person for the right job, regardless of whether you need an employee or a contractor, is a task that all IT managers will face during their career.