
Human Resources

Why BBC’s gender pay gap is a warning for all businesses

Data released today shows a definite pay gap between top BBC male and female presenters. Only a third of the 96 staff members earning over £150k are female and, of the top ten highest earners there is only one woman.

Human Resources

Human Resources

The average UK ‘lunch hour’ is just 34 minutes: How can employers change this?

The average worker in Britain now takes just 34 minutes for their lunch break with over half skipping their lunch break completely. Here's what employers can do.

Human Resources

What the UK can learn from Ireland when it comes to procurement skills development

The UK can learn a lesson from Ireland in procurement skills development, according to recruitment firm, 1st Executive.

Human Resources

Diversity and inclusion: CEO survey reveals a huge gap between perception and reality

87 per cent of CEOs surveyed globally said they were promoting talent diversity and inclusiveness within their own organisation, but just two thirds of ‘young leaders’ agreed this was the case. Here's how to plug the diversity and inclusion gap.

Human Resources

Coworking: Alternative workspace for entrepreneurs

One of the greatest challenges that entrepreneurs face when starting a new business is accessing enough capital. Entrepreneurs have a passion for implementing their business ideas but lacking the capital required to set up their businesses.

Human Resources

Creating the perfect working environment

Positive workplaces should always foster productivity, excellence, and camaraderie. With this in mind, business owners and managers must pay close attention to co-worker dynamics, office design, and company culture to ensure employees are content and in the mood to produce their best work

Human Resources

How to combat a triple threat for women in work

A new report reveals a triple threat for women in work: underrepresentation in growth industries, over representation in roles threatened by automation and low chances for career progression.

Human Resources

Is it appropriate to take sick leave for mental health issues?

If employees are unable to work because of illness, whether that's physical or mental, then the normal rules of sickness absence according to the organisation should kick in, according to ELAS Group's Pam Rogerson.

Human Resources

How to combat a triple threat for women in work

A new report reveals a triple threat for women in work: underrepresentation in growth industries, over representation in roles threatened by automation and low chances for career progression.

Human Resources

Is it appropriate to take sick leave for mental health issues?

If employees are unable to work because of illness, whether that's physical or mental, then the normal rules of sickness absence according to the organisation should kick in, according to ELAS Group's Pam Rogerson.

Human Resources

How to attract top-class tech contractors

Robert Half's Neil Owen explains what organisations can do to recruit contract employees that can form the backbone of digital transformation projects.

Human Resources

The co-working conundrum: Can a shared office benefit you?

Finding the right work environment for entrepreneurs can be an expensive and lonely journey. How can co-working help you out?

Human Resources

Boss’ bug bear: What you can do to win promotion or avoid a sacking

UK Bosses reveal shocking employee traits that can get you fired or get you closer to that pay rise.

Human Resources

Campaigning for flexible work: Why corporate Britain needs to ‘clean up the F-word’

The Digital Mums #WorkThatWorks campaign is calling on society to help 'clean up the F-Word’, challenging the taboo around flexible working for a productivity boost, greater diversity and a happier workforce.