
Financial Management

Loading the QE gun

Graeme Leach, chief economist at the Institute of Directors, explains why he thinks the quantitative easing (QE) gun is about to be reloaded.

Financial Management

Financial Management

Insolvency: Advice for companies in trouble

It is the one thing every entrepreneur hopes will never happen, but it's expected to hit 20,000 companies next year. We talk to those in the know about how to handle insolvency.

Financial Management

Companies set for rebuilding process

Transatlantic restructuring activity is set to increase in line with refinancing difficulties over the next 12 months.

Financial Management

Export lessons from Germany

John Lucas, trade policy adviser at the British Chambers of Commerce, ponders what the UK can learn from Germany's exporting success.

Financial Management

How green is the coalition?

Andrew Raingold of eco-lobbyists Aldersgate Group looks at the government’s commitment to green business.

Financial Management

Responsible lender of fast loans provides a valuable service

Choosing a loan provider means deciding on the right balance of rates, customer service and advice: This piece was written in association with MyJar

Financial Management

The Emergency Budget: all the key points for businesses

Here's a summary of how George Osborne's plans will affect your business.

Financial Management

After the honeymoon

The new government may have been handed a poisoned chalice, writes Alex White, a partner at BDO.

Financial Management

The Emergency Budget: all the key points for businesses

Here's a summary of how George Osborne's plans will affect your business.

Financial Management

After the honeymoon

The new government may have been handed a poisoned chalice, writes Alex White, a partner at BDO.

Financial Management

Pound under pressure

One month before a general election, the euro remains a non-issue in Westminster. Entrepreneurs doing business overseas would like to see it back on the political agenda, finds GrowthBusiness.

Financial Management

Currency control when exporting

Exporters and financial experts explain how to make currency moves work in your favour.

Financial Management

Sticking to those new year’s resolutions

Although most people will have made and broken their personal New Year’s Resolutions by 24 January, there are seven good habits every business should stick to.

Financial Management

Money matters

How currency moves can work in your favour