Lucky in work

'I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life'. These are the words of Apple founder Steve Jobs.

‘I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life’. These are the words of Apple founder Steve Jobs.

‘I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life’. These are the words of Apple founder Steve Jobs.

I have posted this video of a speech made by Jobs at a Stanford University graduation in 2005 because he is someone who greatly inspires me. Not only is he inspiring in his business successes, but also in his achievements outside the office and setting of high personal goals, something that everyone can do.

He breaks down barriers and pushes the boundaries. He didn’t grow up aiming to run the world’s biggest technology company, he just wanted to create. These are the traits of a true entrepreneur.

While there has been a lot of press recently on the government’s great push for greater British entrepreneurship, namely StartUp Britain, the Jobs story shows success can simply come down to following your dreams and working hard. A little smarts obviously doesn’t go astray.

Tell me, who inspires you and why? Send me an email or get in contact on Twitter.

Todd Cardy

Todd Cardy

Todd was Editor of between 2010 and 2011 as well as being responsible for publishing our digital and printed magazines focusing on private equity and venture capital.

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