
Johnny Hewett has been chief executive of private equity firm Smedvig Capital since founding it with Peter Smedvig in 1996. Prior to Smedvig Capital, he spent three years at Bain & Company, working on a range of strategic and operational issues in a variety of sectors. His career began in investment banking where he spent six years in equity capital markets for Hill Samuel and later NatWest Markets. He has an MBA from the Harvard Business School.


B2B sales: Not just about great salespeople (though it never hurts!)

Creating a successful sales team goes beyond simply finding those that can sell fridges to Eskimos.


Enough already? There is an alternative to selling out

Rather than labour on or grasp at an attractive offer for their business, entrepreneurs can choose a middle ground.


Over invest in the right people

Why spending more on a company's greatest asset is money well invested.


To outsource or not to outsource, that is the question

In an era when you can outsource your outsourcing, working out what is really core is time well spent.


What is a ‘proven business model’?

Determining what is a quantifiably sound business model is hard work for both entrepreneurs and investors.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Is the price right? More science than you think

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Predictably wise words from the Sage of Omaha himself.


Defining the optimum amount of capital to raise

Just how much is the right level of investment cash to raise, and what determines it?


Friends and family or venture capital?

Negotiating the gap between relatives support and institutional firepower in business funding.


All ££s are not created equal

Above all, business investors should be bringing more than just cash. But how can that be evaluated?