
Venture Capital Funding

Articles, news and expert analysis on venture capital funding in the UK and Europe.

Scale your business: a VC’s tips

Mike Chalfen, general partner at investment firm Advent Ventures, gives his take on how to set up a business for ready scaleability and rapid growth.

Venture Capital Funding

Venture Capital Funding

Foresight launches solar VCT

Venture capital trust (VCT) manager Foresight Group hopes to raise £40 million for a fund dedicated to investments in the solar energy sector.

Venture Capital Funding

Investing in technology

Technology is a sector well suited to venture capital investment, as it offers the potential for high growth and high returns, writes Albion Ventures partner Ed Lascelles.

Venture Capital Funding

Private equity drives tech M&A

An increase in M&A activity in the technology sector this year is being led by private equity firms.

Venture Capital Funding

Government help for SMEs

With bank funding for ambitious businesses still in short supply, the government could do more to help, argues Chris Allner, MD of Octopus Ventures.

Venture Capital Funding

Leisure seekers

We look to invest in businesses which are resilient to economic shocks, and our companies in the leisure sector have generally proved to be just that, writes Henry Stanford of Albion Ventures.

Venture Capital Funding

How to raise venture capital 

Ian Gotts, CEO of venture-backed software company Nimbus, takes you through the process of raising VC cash.

Venture Capital Funding

VC or not VC?

Most entrepreneurs who approach venture capitalists (VCs) for funding are turned down. They might be better served by looking elsewhere or focusing on organic growth, argues Ian Gotts, CEO of VC-backed Nimbus.

Venture Capital Funding

How to raise venture capital 

Ian Gotts, CEO of venture-backed software company Nimbus, takes you through the process of raising VC cash.

Venture Capital Funding

VC or not VC?

Most entrepreneurs who approach venture capitalists (VCs) for funding are turned down. They might be better served by looking elsewhere or focusing on organic growth, argues Ian Gotts, CEO of VC-backed Nimbus.

Venture Capital Funding

The dangers of raising CGT

If Chancellor George Osborne raises capital gains tax (CGT) next week, it could have major implications for entrepreneurs, argues Alex Macpherson, head of the ventures team at Octopus Investments.

Venture Capital Funding

Where credit’s due

A small management buy-out in the midst of the recession may prove to be a smart bit of business.

Venture Capital Funding

Growth capital giants

With traditional sources of funding still in short supply, venture capital trusts are looking more attractive than ever to entrepreneurial ventures.

Venture Capital Funding

New deal for UK entrepreneurs

Simon Cook, CEO of venture capital firm DFJ Esprit, sets out his wish list for the new government.