
Venture Capital Funding

Articles, news and expert analysis on venture capital funding in the UK and Europe.

Business angels replacing VCs as key players in early-stage investment

Business angels are replacing venture capital firms as the key players in early-stage investment, says Simon Cook, chief executive at DFJ Esprit.

Venture Capital Funding

Venture Capital Funding

Business Start-ups – Keeping up the pace

The government has thrown its weight behind seed investment, but there's no room for complacency if the aim is to match Silicon Valley as a global start-up destination.

Venture Capital Funding

NVM is building on its relationships

When it comes to getting private equity deals done, competition among firms often drives prices up.

Venture Capital Funding

Fundraising: The first steps

Never mind how you’re going to get funding, what should you be asking for in the first place? We report on how to determine what type – and amount – of finance you need.

Venture Capital Funding

Business Growth Fund makes maiden investment

Benefex, a provider of online employee reward and benefit schemes, is the first UK company to receive backing from the bank-backed Business Growth Fund, securing £4.2 million in growth capital.

Venture Capital Funding

Private equity returns to the fore

After spending much of 2009 shying away from investments, private equity showed renewed strength in 2010 through its exits.

Venture Capital Funding

Interview with Capital for Enterprise’s Rory Earley

Capital for Enterprise CEO Rory Earley reveals in a Q&A how the LP fits in with the government's current financial initiatives, how he selects funds to invest in and the plans for the Business Angel Co Investment Fund.

Venture Capital Funding

Private equity to maintain push

Research from accountancy firm Grant Thornton shows that the majority of private equity firms do not expect the number of new buyouts to decline in the next year.

Venture Capital Funding

Interview with Capital for Enterprise’s Rory Earley

Capital for Enterprise CEO Rory Earley reveals in a Q&A how the LP fits in with the government's current financial initiatives, how he selects funds to invest in and the plans for the Business Angel Co Investment Fund.

Venture Capital Funding

Private equity to maintain push

Research from accountancy firm Grant Thornton shows that the majority of private equity firms do not expect the number of new buyouts to decline in the next year.

Venture Capital Funding

Plugging into the second-user market

Following an upsurge in the demand for second-user IT hardware, NVM Private Equity has backed the management buy-out of Tinglobal.

Venture Capital Funding

More SMEs to escape need for costly prospectuses

Raising equity finance is hard enough without taking compliance costs into account. However, in a move that could save UK business £12 million a year, the government has brought forward prospectus rule reforms.

Venture Capital Funding

Cross-border VC investing at the crossroads

The European Commission is hoping to encourage more cross-border venture capital investing, but proposed reforms may actually impact access to capital for businesses.

Venture Capital Funding

Healthcare costs: Fundraising opportunites from NHS cuts

In the face of daily headlines about NHS cuts, GrowthBusiness learns how these have led to fundraising opportunities for businesses in the healthcare sector.