Five perks to boost employee wellness, productivity and your business

A working environment where employees are disengaged, unproductive or absent due to sickness, is detrimental to any business. So, here’s Matt Jones from Oxbridge Home Learning with five perks businesses should incorporate to improve employee wellness, organisational performance and productivity.

Every business owner knows employees are a significant driving power behind genuine business success. Whether it be Jane working wonders on social media or Jim engaging with consumers on the frontline; a productive workforce makes all the difference. However, when your employees are giving their all for your business, they expect something in return. No, we’re not just talking salary but perks.

Nowadays, you’ll likely hear the term ‘employee wellness’ floating around. To appear more employee-centric, businesses are adopting wellness programmes to inspire worker productivity. However, these programmes frequently fulfil a one-size fits or alienate individuals, e.g. Schemes targeting smokers.

Sure, corporations like Airbnb incorporate perks like $2000 travel credit. But to real-world businesses, such perks aren’t cost-effective or needed to safeguard your employees’ welfare. A few reliable perks will keep staff sharp and skyrocket your business.

Workplace versatility

People like autonomy and flexibility. Nobody likes micromanagement. There’s nothing worse than a boss watching your every move. It’s stressful. In fact, a recent study led by Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business showed how employees with little control in high-demand jobs were 15.4 per cent more vulnerable to death. Harrowing, but also damaging to your organisation. After all, you’re running a business not a police state.

Now imagine an environment where employees are given freedom or trust to finish projects to deadlines. Or where staff have flexible start/end times or can work from home. Breathing room can reduce anxiety and increase morale to positively impact business productivity.

Life insurance

The same way you might create a customer avatar, you should create an employee avatar. It’s vital to know employees’ thoughts to support them. For example, many UK workers worry about their family’s livelihood should they die in today’s post-Brexit environment. The solution: life insurance. Amazingly, research shows one in four UK workers leave their families exposed to financial difficulties due to not having life insurance.

By offering staff a suitable package, you give them peace of mind and security. In return, staff become loyal, productive, and happier to work for an employer who has their back.

The ultimate break room

While your staff work like machines, they aren’t robots, and you will notice that without engagement they’ll lose energy faster than the Energiser Bunny. A well-constructed break room gives people a place to relax or have fun – a place where work is left at the door.

Providing a quality environment with nap pods, snacks or fresh fruit, a football table or giant checkers board, will see staff returning to their desks happier, more attentive and ready to work. Nothing improves productivity than a little fun.

On-target incentives

People like incentives, and what better way than to attach rewards to company targets. Giving a team something special to work towards increases their motivation to succeed. Rewards may include: pizza days, massages, evenings out. Here at Oxbridge Home Learning, we ran a KPI-led initiative throughout 2017 to hit targets where the prize was a trip to Las Vegas.

It worked! Everyone exceeded their targets, and we’re flying to Vegas in November. The benefits for providing on-target incentives will help reach goals, raise performance, and push boundaries for industry growth.

Finish-at-four Fridays

Expert Market’s recent report of the world’s most productive countries shows a correlation between the hours worked and productivity. Again, Scandinavian countries like Norway – whose workers work 27-hour weeks – topped the productivity charts, generating, per person, a productivity sum of £39.72 for every work-hour.

It’s no surprise Norwegian workers are the happiest in Europe. How to use this data to your advantage? Show that you value your employees’ work-life balance by cutting Friday’s short. The extended weekend will leave workers refreshed and therefore more efficient, better using their time to productively nurture your business.

Matt Jones, is founder and director of Oxbridge Home Learning

Owen Gough

Owen Gough

Owen Gough is a reporter for He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...