
Growth Planning

Thriving in a Downturn

Entrepreneurs reveal how they are minimising risk while also seeking to grow their businesses.

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

Decision Time:  Zeger Degraeve

Zeger Degraeve, professor of decision sciences at London Business School, discusses the trick of making the right decision the first time.

Growth Planning

Relocate to Scotland

With its dwindling North Sea reserves and national GDP contracting faster than the UK’s, Scotland looks set for a rough ride. Encouragingly, the entrepreneurs living and working there have a different take on the situation. Marc Barber reports 

Growth Planning

The turnaround market

It has been a good year so far for Wefway, as we have been working with the Turnaround Management Association and fielding calls from ex-colleagues at Lehman Brothers.

Growth Planning

Moving your business to Wales

Financial incentives aplenty are attracting a range of growing companies to Wales. We look at whether entrepreneurs are benefiting from the efforts of the Welsh Assembly Government.

Growth Planning

Securing government contracts

The Glover review contains proposals to make it easier for growing companies to win government contracts. Mark Bailey, partner at law firm Speechly Bircham, asks if it will make a difference.

Growth Planning

Surviving litigation

Some tips for making a painful process go as smoothly as possible

Growth Planning

Relocate your business to Cornwall

Millions are being invested in Cornwall's infrastructure and business facilities in a bid to attract more entrepreneurs to the county. We talk to businesses which have taken the plunge

Growth Planning

Surviving litigation

Some tips for making a painful process go as smoothly as possible

Growth Planning

Relocate your business to Cornwall

Millions are being invested in Cornwall's infrastructure and business facilities in a bid to attract more entrepreneurs to the county. We talk to businesses which have taken the plunge

Growth Planning

Relocating to the Thames Valley

The Thames Valley has been the butt of jokes and invective since John Betjeman willed ‘friendly bombs’ to fall on Slough. But it seems to be having the last laugh.

Growth Planning

Relocating your business to the Thames Valley

Strength in the service industries has left the Thames Valley in good economic shape. We look at the pros and cons of relocating your business to the region.

Growth Planning

Red alert

In three years, Redhall Group has come from nowhere to become a tour de force providing engineering-related services for clients in the nuclear, food and pharmaceuticals sectors. M&A investigates why it’s more than just the average buy-and-build.

Growth Planning

India is the hot spot for UK investors

Racking up close to eight per cent growth, India offers enormous opportunities for investment. Bhaskar Majumdar and Will Avery of Elara Capital spoke to Patrizia Rossi about breaking into the market.