
Growth Planning

Establishing a pipeline of breakthrough innovation

Innovation is key not only for starting a business but also staying ahead on the pack: so what steps can you put in place to optimise yours?

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

Strategies for Going Global – how to avoid the growing pains

Stephen Baines, commercial director of Precious Cells Group, explains how understanding the culture of a country as well as the law of the land can make the difference between success and failure for firms looking to go global.

Growth Planning

Working with non-executive directors in mid-sized growth companies

What do you look for in a non-executive director (NED)? Below are some of the qualities the best NEDs can bring to your business.

Growth Planning

Blood, sweat and a lot of TLC – Growing a global SME

Elizabeth Vega, CEO of multi award winning independent IT consultancy Informed Solutions, shares her personal experience of growing her company from start-up 23 years ago.

Growth Planning

How retailers can prevent January returns from blocking growth

On the face of it Christmas looks like a dream come true for businesses looking to encourage investment through demonstrating increased revenue.

Growth Planning

Not growing it alone: The power of collaboration for expanding businesses

Andrew Morris, CEO of the Academy for Chief Executives, on how small businesses can collaborate for growth.

Growth Planning

How to secure the foundations of your business

Here, we look at the fundamental procedures that entrepreneurs need to observe to ensure a strong basis to their business.

Growth Planning

Going for growth – Lessons from the restaurant industry

Graham Corfield, UK managing director of JUST EAT, shares his insights on what independent restaurant owners are doing to maximise sales and growth.

Growth Planning

How to secure the foundations of your business

Here, we look at the fundamental procedures that entrepreneurs need to observe to ensure a strong basis to their business.

Growth Planning

Going for growth – Lessons from the restaurant industry

Graham Corfield, UK managing director of JUST EAT, shares his insights on what independent restaurant owners are doing to maximise sales and growth.

Growth Planning

The vital role of IP due diligence in the assessment of company value

With IP such a vital part of a company's worth, Jodie Albutt, patent attorney at Dehns, explains why due diligence is a crucial step in going about securing a valuation.

Growth Planning

Businesses must constantly evolve or risk being caught out

Jill Pinner, founder of Fizz, explores how even traditional businesses have to be nimble and evolve to survive in a 21st century post-recession landscape.

Growth Planning

How to keep your investors happy

Keeping your investors happy is key for the running of any business – so founder Bertie Stephens shares his six top tips on effective investors relations for start-ups.

Growth Planning

Moving out of start-up mode and transitioning between optimism and realism

While the term start-up is used to describe a variety of businesses at different stages of development, HulloMail founder and CEO Andy Munarriz explains why he believes his business has moved beyond the tag.