
Growth Planning

How having a junior board can kickstart your diversity initiatives

Jacob Bailey Group's Shaun Bailey believes a diverse junior board can help businesses achieve its wider goals, from idea creation to knowledge sharing.

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

Why managers should use inherent biases to make better decisions

Researchers believe that rather than trying to think rationally, managers and business strategists should use their own biases to come to better decisions.

Growth Planning

Growing in the age of uncertainty: Starting and scaling up in Europe post-Brexit

GrowthBusiness cuts through reams of research to bring you the highlights of growing your business in the age of uncertainty.

Growth Planning

Test new markets the smart way for global growth

Testing new markets doesn't need to be time or capital intensive. EasyCat's Fadi Sabbagha writes.

Growth Planning

Cross-border trading: Looking beyond Brexit

Brexit does not necessarily spell doom and gloom for cross-border trading. P2P Mailing's Paul Galpin writes.

Growth Planning

Want to win? Adopt a people before product strategy

Aurecon’s Liam Hayes argues that to stay in the lead, businesses should invest in their employees and help them develop digitally. Here's how.

Growth Planning

Why getting rid of billable hours will encourage gender diversity in law

Bird & Bird's Elizabeth Lang believes the traditional billing by hours model in the legal sector just doesn't work. Here's why creativity and flexible hours makes sense for diversity in law.

Growth Planning

How collaboration can further the fourth industrial revolution

The WEF discussion addressed the need for greater co-operation and collaboration between businesses, especially when it comes to sharing technological advances. Stephen Dyson, Head of Industry 4.0, Proto Labs considers the role digital manufacturing will play in the fourth industrial revolution.

Growth Planning

Why getting rid of billable hours will encourage gender diversity in law

Bird & Bird's Elizabeth Lang believes the traditional billing by hours model in the legal sector just doesn't work. Here's why creativity and flexible hours makes sense for diversity in law.

Growth Planning

How collaboration can further the fourth industrial revolution

The WEF discussion addressed the need for greater co-operation and collaboration between businesses, especially when it comes to sharing technological advances. Stephen Dyson, Head of Industry 4.0, Proto Labs considers the role digital manufacturing will play in the fourth industrial revolution.

Growth Planning

Avoiding a race to the bottom

For sustainable growth, companies need to be defined by more than its low prices. Momondo group CEO Hugo Burge writes.

Growth Planning

Market testing: 5 ways to make sure your new innovation hits the mark

Before a new invention is put into production, entrepreneurs must be sure that it will be a commercial success. Market testing provides an opportunity to assess its saleability and to consider whether additional features are required. Dave Croston, partner at Withers & Rogers, shares his five tips for successful market testing.

Growth Planning

The best places to work around the world and what they all have in common

According to new research, the best places to work in the world is mostly based on perceptions than facts. This infographic pegs national data, average annual pay, working days per year and other metrics agains the United Nations world happiness index to reveal the best places to work.

Growth Planning

It’s all in the maths: Why forecasts don’t come true

Use mathematics to improve the way you interrogate forecasts, writes Price Bailey's Chand Chudasama.