

Five reasons companies should consider low code development platforms

Here, BlueFinity gives their top five reasons why companies should consider low code development platforms in 2018.



Spotlight: The secret recipe to successful Northern business

From how to pick the right office location to creating a successful business plan, these four Northern business owners share their top tips, along with their own personal anecdotes from how they launched their companies and key lessons they’ve learnt along the way.


Digital tailors and memory curators: 21 jobs of the future revealed

Jobs from our parents’ generation may in time seem ridiculous to our children, says futurist.


Ten essential slides you need for your next investment pitch

Creating the perfect pitch can be difficult. We take a look at the essential slides that business men and women need in their investment pitch.


6 health hacks to bring to work in the new year

Start the year right with these six health hacks for the workplace.


Mutual respect: How partnerships can benefit your business

Discovering mutual respect for the businesses around you can open up new opportunities and revenue streams. We take a look at how to do it.


Why ‘good ideas’ are overrated in business

Many companies have been blinded by the thinking that there is no such thing as a bad idea, but here’s why that’s a fallacy.


Wine connoisseur turned entrepreneur Robert Edwards on The Vino Beano

The Vino Beano's founder, Robert Edwards, left the life of an auditor to start a wine business. Here's his story.


Why ‘good ideas’ are overrated in business

Many companies have been blinded by the thinking that there is no such thing as a bad idea, but here’s why that’s a fallacy.


Wine connoisseur turned entrepreneur Robert Edwards on The Vino Beano

The Vino Beano's founder, Robert Edwards, left the life of an auditor to start a wine business. Here's his story.


Blow away Blue Monday: 7 ways to make your Monday less blue

Dr. Mark Winwood who discusses the reality of ‘Blue Monday’ and the impact that it has at work.


Does work experience still matter for the next generation of employees?

Career expert Edd Williams explains how the next generation of workers can get the work experience they need.


Is there a case for backing British robotics start-ups?

Earlier this week, Britbots announced the launch of its second robotics seed fund as the sector starts to pick up the pace. Founder Dominic Keen believes 2018 is the year to back British robotics.


Take the quiz – What kind of leader are you?

We have created a quick quiz where SME business owners can find out what kind of leader they are using real-life entrepreneurs and politicians.