Brexit, Trump, and Asia’s slowing economy: are you ready for the new world order?

A panel of business experts from the Entrepreneurs' Organisation will outline the potential for success in the new economy, streaming live from Frankfurt at 1pm BST on Friday April 28th.

According to the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation biannual Global Entrepreneur Indicator (GEI), 81 per cent of entrepreneurs would be willing to start a new business with 78 per cent forecasting increased profit over the next six months. But with uncertainty being the mot du jour for the majority of the world, are businesses truly prepared?

How can entrepreneurs take advantage of the global markets despite negative perceptions surrounding Brexit, Trump and Asia’s slowing economy?

Now in its sixth year, the 2017 Global Entrepreneur Index shows a great deal of confidence amongst the members of the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation, with 64 per cent reporting an increase in business revenue over the past 6 months, 35 per cent reporting an increase in funding opportunities and 64 per cent indicating an increase in full time staffing levels.

This confidence comes despite an expectation of more uncertainty for businesses post Brexit, snap elections in the UK and Donald Trump’s presidency.

How does the UK’s snap election affect entrepreneurs in Europe and how does Trump’s presidency affect entrepreneurs in Asia? What are the challenges different markets and territories face? The March 2017 GEI revealed the current state of 50 countries’ business landscapes and economic health, among other statistics designed to identify economic trends, drive fiscal growth and strengthen communities.

On Friday 28th April, many of the 4000 leading entrepreneurs who fed into this most recent iteration of the GEI will gather in Frankfurt for the annual conference of the Entrepreneurs Organisation to discuss these themes, amongst many others.

Streaming live from Frankfurt at 1pm BST/2pm CET on Friday April 28th, a panel of business experts, including Karder Industrial’s Ivan Ting and Pure Solutions’ Brian Brault will share their thoughts on how entrepreneurs can capitalise on the challenges and opportunities created by the current world order.

Watch the session to learn how embracing a digital-first approach can help entrepreneurs expand beyond geographies, and how to bank on a community of entrepreneurs for shared knowledge.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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