Can “parent-preneurs” have it all? Dad-preneur Warren Knight says yes

You can have it all if you're a "parent-preneur" says Warren Knight. Here's why.

Despite the pressures of a family and running a business, parent-preneurs can have it all, says Warren Knight.

Knight is a hip-hop dancer turned ‘dad-preneur’, who is also a digital marketing expert and author.

After a series of challenges he emerged as a Top 100 Global Influencer, award winning blogger, and is now launching the second edition of his book Think #Digital First, on September 12.

“Running a business and having family time are not a problem because I run my online business to have the lifestyle I want not a ‘work-life’ balance. I believe parent-preneurs can have it all,” he says.

“After over 25 years experience in business I would say the biggest game changer has to be digital marketing, and my revamped book seeks to get that across to business owners. In today’s environment I believe that small businesses who don’t jump onto the digital bandwagon will have failed by 2020.”

Knight’s recent successes have been achieved against the backdrop of personal issues, including the trials and tribulations of needing three rounds of IVF treatment with his wife Zoe, costing a total of £40,000, but despite these he has been able to maintain and grow a successful business.

His book, Think #Digital First, outlines the difficulties Knight has faced, but also explains how he was able to use digital marketing to build his successful businesses. He attributes a lot of his success to working in the right way, and using the right tools.

“Success in business is not just down to hard work or having a great initial idea. It’s also about having an active support network and a practical knowledge of how to utilise digital marketing effectively.”

After starting his career as a professional hip-hop dancer, his transition towards being and entrepreneur (and now a ‘dad-preneur’), has been an experience he wants to share with others.

“My vision is that by the end of 2020 I want to have helped 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners successfully sell more products and services online through the strategic use of social media, digital marketing and e-commerce,” he adds. “Having worked with hundreds of business owners already, I hope the launch of my new book with be able to help thousands more.”

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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