
Stephanie Spicer is an editor at Bonhill Group


UK increases trademark applications but lags in patents activity

The UK is in the top 20 of countries filing for patent applications but this is still down on previous years at a time when, with Brexit looming, it should be forging a path.


£8m in grants available for customs intermediaries and traders

£8 million in grants has been made available by HMRC and Government for customs intermediaries and traders ahead of Brexit for training and IT improvements

Growth Planning

Growth Business owner Q&A – Alan Inskip, CEO of Tempcover

In the first of a series in which Growth Business figures answer questions on their businesses success to date, Alan Inskip (pictured), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of temporary insurance provider Tempcover discusses how the business came about


Entrepreneur’s Relief changes could hit business owners hard

Business owners breathed a sigh of relief at the Budget when the Chancellor committed to keeping capital gains tax relief for entrepreneurs. But new 'tweaks' to the rules could have far wider implications than first thought. Helen Relf and Chloë Ellis, tax partners at accountants at RSM warn those exiting assets to seek advice straight away

Alternative Finance for Business

Funding round up – the latest investment opportunities for investors

Jaguar's venture capital fund InMotion Ventures is to invest in travel platform WeTrip and clothing retailer The Baukjen Group seek funds to expand in the US


Connected Intelligence firm eyes growth with new funding

Monitoring and analysis platform alva welcomes funding from Clydesdale and Yorkshire's Growth Finance Team to enable its growth strategy