
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


The hustler, hacker and hipster: The personality types every tech start-up needs

Hiring for your business means thinking about its longevity. Here are the three personalities you need in your tech start-up.

Alternative Finance for Business

Crowd Investment in 2017 and beyond

In 2016 crowdfunding changed from being an occasional source of cash for small businesses and private individuals and instead started to become a method of choice for many enterprises.


The influence of food packaging on consumer choices

Packaging of the products, especially the food items is the most tangible representation of the product and the sales of any food product, to a great extent, depend on its packaging. Hence, it is vital to spend time on getting the packaging right.


“No mum does it alone”: Katie Massie-Taylor on mums’ meet-up app Mush

Mush co-founder Massie-Taylor talks through the ups and downs of starting a mums' meet-up app, and growing quickly in the app economy.

Human Resources

Businesses need a stronger vision for a truly mobile workforce

Establishing a mobile workforce is all about strategy, writes SOTI's Nassar Hussain.


The rise of artificial intelligence: opportunity or challenge?

Artificial intelligence: friend or foe? Excello Law's Robert Morley writes.


Adam Strong: 5 time management tips

Adam Strong, CEO of Elite Corporate Fitness, and author of Fit Body, Fit Business, shares his top five tips for managing your time well.


5 tips for balancing a start-up with marriage and kids

Susannah Davda, the founder and director of The Shoe Consultant Ltd launched her footwear consultancy in April 2015, juggling being an entrepreneur, spouse, and mother throughout. Here are her five tips on getting the balance right.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Why Brits struggle to identify homegrown brands

What's in a name? Apparently, a lot. New research reveals that the British public are misled by "British-sounding" brands, from Tetley Tea to Branston Pickle.


Data science enters the gig economy with Pivigo’s new marketplace

Pivigo, the newest entrant in the gig economy may help bridge the UK's digital skills gap by freeing up data scientists to manage their own time and work with businesses on specific projects as and when they're needed.

Growth Planning

Disruption in decision-making: new tool identifies hidden gems

A new tool challenges the traditional decision-making process that relies on gut-feel and market knowledge alone.


In addition to STEM talent, Britain faces leadership skills shortage

Half of all management level candidates in the UK lack leadership skills like open and empathetic communication, and strategic planning. Here are three ways to get around this.