
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

Venture Capital Funding

What do investors want from your company?

RLC Ventures' founding partner Reece Chowdhry explains the top three things VCs want from entrepreneurs.

Human Resources

How do you know if your team is really working from home

Agile working may be all the rage for UK businesses, but managers still remain sceptical of their employees' work ethics when working from home. Here's why.

Alternative Finance for Business

Tech funder Nominet Trust backs 8 new social tech start-ups

Nominet Trust backs social tech start-ups developing digital technology solutions to improve the lives of others, helping wheelchair users, to victims of stalking.

Growth Planning

Mastering disaster: Do you have a contingency plan?

Jo Gibson, operations director at First Capital Cashflow, explains the importance of businesses having contingency plans in place to mitigate against unforeseen disasters that have the potential to disrupt essential business activity, particularly when it comes to payment processing.


“Screw it, just do it”: Why Richard Branson’s motto works for start-ups today

Britain's most beloved entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson talks innovation, start-up confidence, and staying fearless at times of uncertainty ahead of Voom Tour 2017.


How to optimise your productivity as an entrepreneur

Procrastination is the enemy of productivity, but with so many different demands on your time, it’s not always easy to be a highly productive entrepreneur.

Growth Planning

The 4 Cs of CRM: Are you ready?

Swiftpage CEO John Oechsle outlines the 4 Cs of customer relationship management.

Human Resources

Is presenteeism really a productivity killer?

Presenteeism may not be all that bad for certain types of employees. Here's why.


London now home to the most number of millionaire CEOs

Half of all millionaire CEOs are self-made, according to a new study, which also reveals that London is home to largest number of the world's millionaire CEOs. 

Human Resources

Getting realistic about store experience personalisation

Manhattan Associates' Kevin Swanwick advises retailers to take a step back, prioritise activity and turn on personalisation just when it is needed most.

Venture Capital Funding

Does Brexit mean goodbye VC funding?

PWC's legal fintech deals expert, Thomas Colmer addresses Brexit fears and advises fintechs on early-stage financing, IP protection and how they can take on the challenges Brexit may present.

PR and Marketing Strategy

First direct schools Londoners on the value of customer service

Challenger bank first direct pranks Londoners with a burger van with appalling customer service. Here's what happened.