
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


Results of a nationwide search for top food entrepreneurs

London's aspiring food entrepreneurs pitched their case to a panel of judges including Levi Roots and Laura Jackson on Friday.


How to improve revenue growth through tough times

Phil Foster, MD of business gas comparison site Love Energy Savings discusses the difficulties UK SMEs and larger businesses face when improving revenue growth.


What does the fourth industrial revolution mean for the future of work?

Fast Future's Steve Wells, Alexandra Whittington and Rohit Talwar outline the skills that will survive the fourth industrial revolution.


Share options in the start-up world

What are share options in start-ups, and what are the benefits for the company and shareholders? gnition Law's Caroline Sherrington writes.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Why employees can make or break the sale of a business

Alison Ettridge outlines why due diligence should extend to employees when planning the sale of a business.


How to get employee buy-in on core values

Defining and promoting your company’s best possible values is not difficult, as long as you put your people first, says Bullhorn's Peter Linas.

Growth Planning

Sustainable urban property: Why this market matters

As the world's population increases, investors, entrepreneurs, and developers are turning to innovative solutions to accommodate city dwellers and reap the rewards of a growing international market.

Growth Planning

Stop typing, start talking

Maxine Park, solicitor and co-founder of digital dictation and transcription service provider DictateNow, explains how businesses of every size, can increase efficiency and profitability by talking more and typing less.


Taking on Amazon? Focus on customer experience networks

Forget Amazon. Axway's Shawn Ryan explains how smaller businesses can adapt, innovate and disrupt in industries dominated by tech giants.

PR and Marketing Strategy

GDPR: what UK marketers need to know

Research from DMA reveals that UK marketers are not clued up on the changes in data protection regulations, slated for May 2018. Here's why GDPR is crucial for marketers.

Alternative Finance for Business

What can financial services firms learn from airlines?

With established banks feeling the pressure from newer fintech counterparts, what might they be able to learn from the airline industry?


Do nice guys really finish last in business?

New research reveals “nice” people make a happier and more productive workforce, but the old adage may still hold true at management level. Here's why.