
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


From The Big Short to The Wolf of Wall Street: Top 10 finance films revealed

From the financial crisis to slick con men gaming the system, here's a look at the top ten finance films of our time.


Youtubers on a mission: Toddler Fun Learning

Entrepreneurial parents Amalie and Christian Hughes on building Toddler Learning Fun, their YouTube empire for children's educational content.

Human Resources

3 science-backed ways to lower employee turnover

Clinical psychotherapist and MGID's content strategist Megan James gives her three science-backed ways to increase employee happiness and lower turnover rates for a better bottom line.

Human Resources

Employee data and GDPR: what you need to know

Cezanne HR's Sue Lingard explains how GDPR will affect how HR teams use employee data.


Yoti: the start-up phasing out ID cards

Robin Tombs on his new socially conscious tech start-up, Yoti, which uses biometrics instead of easy to lose usernames and passwords.

Growth Planning

Why failing is for winners

Aurecon’s Julieanne Saxty argues that if you’re not failing, you’re not learning. In business, if we want to get things right, we need to get comfortable with failing, fast and cheap, she writes.


The 3 definitive qualities of strong female leaders revealed

A new study from the University of Vaasa, Finland reveals that intuitive, extraverted and spontaneous women are the best choice for leading creative people. 


From liquid egg whites to protein-packed crisps: Two Chicks

Two Chicks founders Anna Richey and Alla Ouvarova speak with GrowthBusiness on building an egg white empire and growing an established brand.

Human Resources

3 ways to tackle construction skills shortage

Boosting gender diversity, widening talent pipelines and improving the wider public image of the sector will help to tackle the ongoing skills shortages plaguing the construction industry.


Tapping into top tech talent: Is the UK struggling with internal openness?

With Brexit not far off, how can business leaders ensure the UK continues to retain and attract top talent? Adecco's Federico Vione explores.

Human Resources

Cornerstones of effective organisational change management

Khaos Control's Andy Richley shares three ways to successfully introduce change management in a growing business.


Universal digital identity: How do you get it right?

One of the biggest challenges for banks and governments is how to make it easier and safer for people to identify themselves online, while allowing them to have control over the use of their own digital identity. Standard Chartered Bank's Dr Michael Gorriz writes.