
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


Maths grads quit jobs to launch pole dance start-up, Pole Junkie

Kirsten Fairlie and Heather Laughland launched Pole Junkie in January 2015, giving up their day jobs to follow their passion.


Twice as shy: How working mums can conquer the fear of public speaking

London working mums are twice as likely to describe themselves as shy, and that's not even when it comes to public speaking. Speakers Corner's Nick Gold explains how to address and conquer fears and confidence issues.

Human Resources

Are you paid less than your peers? An employee’s guide to bridging the gender pay gap

Peninsula's Kate Palmer explains what employees can do if they suspect they are being paid less than someone doing an equivalent job and how employers can protect themselves against legal action.

Human Resources

One in 10 LGBT employees are bullied at work; over half of UK employees are unaware

While over half of all employees believe employers should do more to support LGBT diversity at work, the research shows that not enough is actually being done. 

Social Media

How this university spin-out leverages social media for stock trading

Scoop Analytics, a University of Glasgow spin-out company is harnessing social media to help traders make better decisions about the stock market.

Human Resources

The 5 biggest career fears and what you can do about them

From fear of failure, to stress over being rejected by colleagues, here are the top five career fears plaguing UK employees today, and what can be done about them.

Cyber Security

Cybercrime will hit your business. Here are 5 ways to prepare

How much should you invest in cybersecurity? Commercial IT Services' Richard Keatinge shares five ways to prepare against cybercrime.

Human Resources

Why trust and accuracy are the keys to successful flexible working

Flexible working is here to stay, so businesses need to make sure that their HR systems are best adapted to accommodate their workforce’s changing expectations – or risk losing their employees to other businesses who already have. NGA Human Resources' Jon Gilbert writes.


Are under-30 start-up founders overrated?

With the business world's idolisation of young entrepreneurs, Richard Dennys plays the devil’s advocate, exploring whether society should encourage the youth to dream big or keep it real.


How to get better at networking

Putting yourself on the map as an entrepreneur and making the right personal contacts are crucial for long-term success. GrowthBusiness maps out the landscape you will have to negotiate to reach your goal.

Growth Planning

Workspace-as-a-service: how can it benefit your business?

With the rise of the 'as-a-service' economy, what are the benefits of workspace-as-a-service for SMEs?

Company Flotations

Law firms going public: the pros and cons

A Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell? McCarthy Dennings' Richard Beresford examines the pros and cons of law firms floating on AIM.