
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


How to successfully merge your company


“The idea for me was a no-brainer.” New crowd platform tackles UK’s housing shortage, one investment at a time

The UK needs to build a million new homes in the next four years, according to government statistics, which is why Gregory Baker set up the nation's first investment platform for strategic land, Intro Crowd


Midwich Group plc IPO

National law firm Mills & Reeve advised technology distributor Midwich Group plc on its £165 million AIM IPO and related £75 million fundraising

Growth Planning

Design innovation or a game of musical chairs?

To hot desk or not to hot desk; that is the question for Office Depot's Paula Marshall|To hot desk or not to hot desk; that is the question for Office Depot's Paula Marshall


A league of its own: minicabit

Amer Hasan, the man behind minicabit, talks driverless cars, growth plans, funding options and Uber.


Is Osborne right on Brexit and Property?

In a bid to sway voters, George Osborne projected that property prices will be significantly dampened by a UK vote to leave the EU. Naomi Heaton, CEO of LCP, examines the validity of the Chancellor's prediction |In a bid to sway voters, George Osborne projected that property prices will be significantly dampened by a UK vote to leave the EU. Naomi Heaton, CEO of LCP, examines the validity of the Chancellor's prediction 


Panama Papers: why transparency matters

2.6 Terrabyte-sized data leak mushrooms any other leak of its kind, highlighting the importance of financial transparency for businesses in the UK and abroad|2.6 Terrabyte-sized data leak mushrooms any other leak of its kind, highlighting the importance of financial transparency for businesses in the UK and abroad


Brexit uncertainty affects bottom line of two in three businesses

A survey of over 100 chief finance officers reveals voting uncertainty as a key cause affecting profitability this year|A survey of over 100 chief finance officers reveals voting uncertainty as a key cause affecting profitability this year


‘Cavorting with the enemy’ has its benefits, says study

Companies that build formal collaborations with rivals boost their business performance, new research has found


48 businesses get a growth boost to bridge scale-up gap

Growth Builder's first cohort of businesses include British success stories like PayAsUGym and Mumsnet.


Brexit: The pros and cons for SMEs

It is impossible to know what the real impact of Brexit will be without it taking place, but Richard Pepler, CEO of HH Cashflow Finance who also sits on the advisory board of the Development Bank for Wales, outlines the potential pros and cons for SMEs|It is impossible to know what the real impact of Brexit will be without it taking place, but Richard Pepler, CEO of HH Cashflow Finance who also sits on the advisory board of the Development Bank for Wales, outlines the potential pros and cons for SMEs


Brexit worries grow for SMEs

81 per cent of respondents felt that Britain leaving the EU would negatively impact their business, up 13 per cent from June 2015|81 per cent of respondents felt that Britain leaving the EU would negatively impact their business, up 13 per cent from June 2015