
Paul Luen is Founder & CEO of Coptrz, Cocuun, Cademi, Vollt, Lucava, and Martek Marine. He is an experience investor and NED.


Crafting a killer business strategy

What does strategy in business actually mean? There’s so much business babble out there on the subject, you’ll probably get 100 different answers from 100 different people.


Paternal peril

The government's planned changes to parental leave will mean nothing short of a nightmare for small businesses.


More unequalled nonsense from the Equality Act

The Equality Act is making an unwelcome reappearance with the addition of a further and still more fatuous and irrelevant provision.


Paul Luen on sailing a company through stormy waters

I like to think of myself as the kind of guy who's up for a challenge, but I've got to admit that getting through the recession was tough.