
Partner Content

Cyber Security

Cyber security – keeping staff secure when working from home

In partnership with the UK Domain, we explore cyber security and how to keep your business data safe while your staff work from home

Human Resources

5 ways implementing HR software can help streamline your business

From improved efficiency to enhanced scalability, learn how you can gain an advantage over your rivals with HR software

Legislation and Regulation

What businesses need to know about legitimate interest under GDPR

The UK Domain explain one of the six lawful bases under GDPR, legitimate interest, using common scenarios to show where it could apply

Legislation and Regulation

Q&A – get going and create your business continuity plan

In partnership with the UK Domain, we bring you a Q&A to help you get started on your business continuity plan

Growth Planning

How law firm Harper James is powering the start-up revolution

Online, digital and subscription-based, Harper James is the perfect law firm for tech-savvy start-ups

Growth Planning

5 must-dos to help your business emerge from Covid-19 stronger

Fight a knee-jerk response to making people redundant and instead invest in R&D and marketing, say experts at Venturers Club virtual roundtable


Is your tech business being affected by coronavirus?

Here are 3 things you can do to protect your tech business and your employees from the sweeping coronavirus pandemic


How we’ve grown our business – Martin Bysh, CEO of huboo

Martin Bysh, CEO of fulfilment provider, huboo, tells us how he and his co-founder launched and grew their business

Legislation and Regulation

Q&A: managing the impact of Covid-19 in line with UK employment law

Eynat Guez, founder and CEO of global payroll company Papaya Global, answers key questions around coronavirus and employment law


The future of the workforce and the promise of data analytics

Big data analytics is expected to be worth $274bn within two years as companies realise its growth business potential. But how can you harness the power of data analytics for your business?


Content ads and data collection: what you need to know

Or Lenchner, CEO of Luminati Networks, answers some key questions around content ads and data collection

Growth Planning

4 lessons businesses can learn from WeWork’s meltdown

WeWork has had a spectacular rise – and an equally spectacular fall. Avoid making the same mistakes in your business