
Nick was the Managing Editor for growthbusiness.co.uk when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary Communications at The Association of Investment Companies (AIC).

Exit Strategies

Family Fortunes

Family businesses have suffered from a stereotype of crusty conservatism, where the benefit of strong traditional values is seen as being outweighed by an unwillingness to take risks or change until it is too late.


Fundraising for Twitter platform


Hermes UKIIF fund in first close


Altala Group sold to Health Lottery


Deals of the Year

With a recession to contend with, dealmakers had their work cut out in 2009. James Harris looks at the deals that transcended a difficult environment.


New bank to join AIM


West African Diamonds buys Stellar

AIM-listed West African Diamonds has agreed to acquire Stellar Diamonds for £10.4 million in a reverse takeover.


Sportech buys SGR

Sports gaming company Sportech has agreed to acquire SGR, the racing business of US gambling concern Scientific Games Corporation, for up to $83 million (£51.4 million).

PR and Marketing Strategy

Healthy business

Promoting health at work can have huge benefits both for staff and companies looking to save money. Here entrepreneurs tell us how they have created a culture of wellbeing.

Alternative Finance for Business

Know your cash flow

If you’re running a business, the chances are you’ve been concentrating on cash flow like never before during the past 12 months.


JLT acquires IWM

Insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group (JLT) has acquired the iimia wealth management (IWM) division of Midas Capital for £7.25 million. 


Kea Petroleum plans AIM float

Veteran Australian entrepreneur Ian Gowrie-Smith plans to float Kea Petroleum with a £6 million AIM funding.