
Nick was the Managing Editor for growthbusiness.co.uk when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary Communications at The Association of Investment Companies (AIC).


Whizzgo bought by City Car Club

City Car Club has acquired car rental rival WhizzGo for an undisclosed sum.


Analytics is top priority for CIOs

Making better use of data in business decision making is the top priority for chief information officers (CIOs), according to a global survey from IBM.


Social entrepreneur: Benita Refson

Not-for-profit enterprises have no excuse to be less efficient than conventional businesses, argues Benita Refson, chief executive of school-based learning organisation The Place2Be. 


Sinclair Pharma raises £2.3m

Specialist drug developer Sinclair Pharma has issued £2.3 million of convertible loan notes to pursue 'market opportunities'.


Exports up as NIESR heralds end of recession

The UK’s volume of exports was 5 per cent higher in July compared to June, with imports up 2.5 per cent, according to official figures.


City Car Club in acquisition


The 21st century business

While the 19th century had the factory, the 20th century became notorious for the office.


Silver lining: Steve Nicholson

Wi-fi broadband provider The Cloud has been through a radical overhaul in the past couple of years. GB meets the man behind the changes, CEO Steve Nicholson.


Pay inequality continues

Women working in the finance sector receive around 80 per cent less in performance-related pay, according to new research.


Tuned in for growth

Keith Hunt, managing partner at corporate finance specialist Results International, talks to M&A about deal-making in the marcoms sector

Venture Capital Funding

One step back, two steps forward

Losing a few battles is fine, provided you win the war, says Simon Cook, CEO of venture capital firm DFJ Esprit

Legislation and Regulation

Directors at risk of disqualification

When a business becomes insolvent, it's not only formally appointed directors who could be held legally responsible, writes Sam Pandya, an associate at law firm Matthew Arnold & Baldwin.