Rising Star: Jeff Brehaut

Jeff Brehaut set up his company Beach Volleyball in 2007 and in the same year brought the first international tournament to the country.

Now the company builds courts and runs events throughout the UK and is hitting a turnover of more than £500,000.

Where did you get the idea?

It was more accident than design. I’ve been involved in volleyball for years, but I decided to start the company after someone got in contact about where to play the sport in the UK.

How did you get funding?

Mainly through local businesses and regional development agencies. We’ve done a lot of work in Blackpool. There’s been major redevelopment in that region, and volleyball has been a way of helping to change its image as a ‘kiss me quick’ seaside city.

How has it taken off?

After getting the contracts in Blackpool we used the money to set up courts and events in other parts of the country. The main reason we’ve been such a success is because of the interest generated in the sport because of the Olympics.

How have you marketed it?

We’ve used PR as a way of raising the profile of the event and making people more aware of it on a national level. That’s been helped by the fact that people see it as lifestyle sport and associate it with scantily clad women.

Where next?

The next step is to bring a world event into the country and to try and make it as big a sport as it is in the rest of Europe. We also want to keep building more courts across the UK.

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for growthbusiness.co.uk when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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