Skerritt hunts down second in a month

Brighton and Hove-based IFA company Skerritt Consultants has acquired London rival Huntington Investments for an undisclosed sum. 

Brighton and Hove-based IFA company Skerritt Consultants has acquired London rival Huntington Investments for an undisclosed sum. 

Brighton and Hove-based IFA company Skerritt Consultants has acquired London rival Huntington Investments for an undisclosed sum.

The deal comes after Skerritt acquired West Sussex IFA company Watkins Oram earlier this month, and enables the company to increase its presence in the City. Andrew Merricks, Skerritts investment director, said: “This will achieve our objective of a City office and brings on board a number of high-calibre staff.”

Merricks is buoyant about the company’s outlook. He commented: “While many IFA and wealth management firms are finding things tough in the current economic climate, we are continuing to grow as a result of being a well-financed and well-managed firm.”

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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