What is video conferencing?

Here, we look at the benefits video conferencing can bring to your business. 

Here, we look at the benefits video conferencing can bring to your business. 

Video conferencing is the process by which people in two or more locations can communicate with each other using simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions.

Video conferencing is different from videophone calls as it is designed to cater for numerous people and numerous locations, rather than just the individual.

With the numerous advances in broadband quality and in technology, video conferencing has become a highly valuable tool in the areas of business, education, medicine and the media.

Using video and audio transmissions, video conferencing services from companies like MeetingZone can allow people to communicate with each other from any location in the world. This can be as simple as people communicating in the privacy of an office (point-to-point) or it can involve several different sites (multi point) which can be large rooms in multiple locations. Some video conferencing software can be linked to other technologies which enable the sharing of information and documents on white boards during the video conference. Smart phones and mobile devices can now also be used during video conferencing, meaning that a person does not even need to be in a building, in order to take part in a video conference. You can be anywhere in the world.


Video conferencing was once predominantly used solely by businesses. Video conferencing allows businesses to hold meetings with employees and managers in multiple locations. This can be especially useful for global companies who may have offices all over the world. Video conferencing can also be used to provide training to employees in multiple locations at the same time. This ensures that all employees receive the same training and are all updated with any new policies at the same time. This means that everyone in the company gets the same message and there are no miscommunications. It can also mean any new policies or services can be put in to place quicker as the business does not have to wait for numerous different training sessions to be held.

Medical industry

With the recent advancements in technology and high speed broadband services becoming more and more cost effective, video conferencing is finding its place in an ever-increasing number of industries. The medical industry can use video conferencing to confer with colleagues on difficult or rare cases. They can even be used in the operating theatre to either aid teaching or to have specialist surgeons’ input into difficult procedures.


Video conferencing is widely used in education for many different purposes. Professors and teachers can give their lectures to numerous students in multiple classrooms as the same time. Students in rural areas of the world can access video conferencing with their teachers if they cannot always make it to the classroom. There is a large number of online universities offering diplomas and degrees which all make use of video conferencing as a way for students at home to contact and learn from their teachers.

Over the last few years, technology has made massive advancements especially in the area of mobile devices. Video conferencing software has advance alongside this technology and you can now choose to participate in a video conference using your smart phone or tablet. Smartphones and tablets are now common place within industry and within the home. Almost everyone has one. The ability to hold a video conference on the move is invaluable as many employees and leaders of business choose to work from home or are constantly on the move.

Video conferencing is a valuable tool in any industry as it helps to keep an ever-changing world more connected. Allowing for sharing of information, data, education and training; the uses for video conferencing are endless.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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