Rockford IT helps associate company to service legal clients through managed IT services

IT consultancy provides expertise in both civil and forensic trials

IT consultancy provides expertise in both civil and forensic trials

The IT Group only employs 10 people but when you look at the number of services it offers to the legal profession it’s easy to wonder how that can be true.

Since its formation in 2004 the business has provided forensic and consultancy services to some of the biggest names in the legal and accountancy sectors, including PwC and Baker & McKenzie.

The increasing complexity in many court cases means businesses with knowledge in telecommunications and wider digital platforms are required to provide expert testimonials. The consultancy service offered is used in both civil and forensic cases, often proving critical in discovering the truth.

Top company experts such as partner Jason Coyne have received a number of glowing testimonials from their consultancy on big trials. One described partner Jason Coyne as “far and away the best expert we have come across”.

“He is a rare breed because he understands system architecture and programming language. Unlike so many IT experts, he can actually get into the systems himself and determine what the problem is and so then we can establish who is responsible for it,” said Devonshires partner Philip Barden.

Founder Tony Sykes provided the private capital to get the business off the ground back in 2004. This was supplemented by further cash from Coyne when he subsequently joined as a partner. Sykes is also director at associate digital company Rockford IT, which offers IT services and advice to complement that of the IT Group itself.

When The IT Group needed to gain ISO 27001 creditation so that it could continue to hold data on an e-discovery platform for both civil and forensic cases, it turned to Rockford for support.

Rockford IT advised on a process that allowed them to deliver new Cisco networks to support a VMWare HA environment. This in turn allowed barristers and solicitors secure access to the platform and data during cases.

Subsequently the IT Group was able to add tens of thousands of pounds in income through better servicing of their clients and gaining the creditation it needed.

“Because Rockford have the ISO certification we find it easier to offer our services… We found that ultimately we can trust them (Rockford) as a supplier,” said Coyne.

The IT Group is certainly not resting on its laurels and has plans to open offices in Johannesburg and Singapore in the next two years. They are using internal reserves to fund this expansion, supplemented by joint ventures with local organisations.


Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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