100 quotes from successful business minds

Funding Circle, a UK and US based platform for investors and small business owners, have come up with the dynamic infographic that presents unique caricatures by illustrator Jordi Machi and containing a wealth of quotes from the most successful business leaders across the globe, and share insights about their attitude, life philosophy and business approach. A sure-fire recipe for inspiration.

From legendary historical businessmen such as Henry Ford, Walter Disney and John D. Rockefeller to the less obvious modern entrepreneurs Jamie Oliver, Dr Dre and Victoria Beckham, there are plenty of different profiles and industries represented.

Check out the full infographic here: “100 Brilliant Minds and What They Said”.

Also see: Entrepreneur Quotes – Some of our favourite quotes from entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business personalities involved in the start-up and growth business sector.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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